LSS Tutor Hub: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is LSS Tutor Hub?
  2. How do I access LSS Tutor Hub?
  3. Where can I find instructions on how to use LSS Tutor Hub?
  4. My session is located at the ARC/Oakes Learning Center/STEM Hub. Where is that located?
  5. Can I just find the session and join without signing up through LSS Tutor Hub?

What is LSS Tutor Hub?

LSS Tutor Hub is an external website (outside of in which we schedule tutors' sessions and students sign up for them. You can sign into LSS Tutor Hub to access the schedules of the tutor who is supporting your course. 

How do I access LSS Tutor Hub? 

No need to create an account in LSS Tutor Hub. All you need to do is use your Gold ID and Password to login.  cruzid-gold.gif

Where can I find instructions on how to use LSS Tutor Hub? 

Visit our Instructional Page. Here we have picture tutorials on how you can access each center and find support for your course! 

My session is located at the ARC/Oakes Learning Center/STEM Hub. Where is that located?

Visit our Common Tutoring Spaces page to learn how to locate your session.

Can I just find the session and join without signing up through LSS Tutor Hub? 

Sign ups are required for our services (except for Large Group Tutoring & SI) because tutors do not start preparing until they know students are going to be at their session. It's important that students sign up beforehand so that tutors are prepared for them! Once you sign up, you get access to the zoom link/location of the session. Large Group Tutoring and SI are programs that do not require sign ups beforehand, but students may sign up ahead of time if desired.