Tutor Hub: Access LSS Tutoring

Can't Find a Session? Fill out our Availability Form

Sign Ups for Peer Success Coaching & Small Group Tutoring and the Availability Form Close on Monday of Week 8 at 5PM

Click the Tutor Hub Button above and sign in using your Gold CruzID. Check out our classes supported page for which courses we are supporting with group tutoring services this quarter.

Having challenges accessing TutorHub?

What is LSS Tutor Hub?

Tutor Hub is our sign-up system where you can find tutoring sessions 

When does Tutor Hub open for sign-ups?

TutorHub opens in the first full week of each quarter. Check our front page for exact dates. 


How to Access LSS Tutor Hub

1. Find the link for the LSS Tutor Hub tutor-trac-link-on-lss-site.png

2. login with your CruzID Gold   



3. Once you log-in, you will see the Main Menu of LSS Tutor Hub. To search for available LSS Services, please click on the "Find a Tutoring Session" widget on the right-hand toolbar.
On the left-hand side, you will find links to our services, a video of how to navigate LSS Tutor Hub and additional information.
On the right-hand side, you will find upcoming appointments, a widget to sign-up for tutoring sessions, and you can link your personal calendar (through outlook) to the LSS Tutor Hub 


4. Select the class you would like to find a tutor for using the drop-down menu. Click Search.
We are using BIOL 105 as an example. The numbers next to the class is code for the current quarter. 


The widget defaults to search for the first available session.
The drop-down menu lists all the classes and sections you are enrolled in.

5. After you click search, the next available session will pop-up.  Click the session that fits your schedule best.


On this widget, you can find information about the time, location, group size,  modality of your session (in-person vs. remote), the type of session, and information about the tutor.

 6. Review the information about your tutoring session and click confirm.

screenshot of confirmation pop-up