Study Hall (Math & Writing)

What is Study Hall?

Study Hall is an additional support program offered for Math classes and Writing support. In Study Hall, students receive short, personalized 1-1 support for Math concepts and writing assignments.

The tutor roams the room and helps students individually with problems or encourages students to group up. Students can stay and get help on one problem then leave. Or students can stay in the space and finish assignments and study.

Math Study Hall supports the following concepts: algebra, trigonometry, calculus, vector calculus (MATH 2 - MATH 23B). 

Writing Study Hall supports all writing assignments across all disciplines.

Winter 2025 Study Hall Schedule (Finals Week):

Math Study Hall:

  • Sunday 3/16 10AM-2PM - ARC 116
  • Monday 3/17 1-5PM - ARC 116

Writing Study Hall:

  • Sunday 3/16 12-2PM - ARC 206
  • Monday 3/17 5-7PM - ARC 206
  • Tuesday 3/18 2-4PM - Baytree Bookstore 3rd Floor
  • Wednesday 3/19 11AM-1PM - Baytree Bookstore 3rd Floor

The Study Hall Schedule for Spring Quarter will be updated by Friday of Week 1.

To sign up for these services, select the Tutor Hub button below (signing in with your Gold ID). 


If you are affiliated with the DRC, you may be able to request accommodations services with LSS for individual tutoring appointments for classes you are enrolled in and LSS currently supports. Please follow the instructions on our Accommodations for Services page to learn more.